Marti Vardai R.V.T

Canine Hydrotherapist

Certified Canine Fitness

Animal Bodywork Practitioner
Animal Reiki Practitioner

Why does your dog deserve what I do

Pawz Therapy provides the therapeutic application of hands-on deep tissue techniques to the voluntary muscle system – for the purpose of increasing circulation, reducing muscle spasms, relieving tension, enhancing muscle tone, promoting healing and increasing range of motion in all breeds of dogs.

Benefits  of Canine Massage and Hydrotherapy & Fitness

relieves age related problems and early detection of health problems
enabling muscle atrophy to working condition from inactivity or post-op surgery
providing relief of chronic pain, soreness, spasms, stress and swelling of muscles through release of endorphines
relaxes and calms hyperactivity, anxiousness and nervousness
promotes healthy skin, hair and coat
improves and increases blood and lymphatic circulation
eliminates toxins and improves the immune system
prevents injury by increasing range of motion and developing muscle function
loosens and softens scar tissue
improves over all athletic performance
heightens sensory motor skills, concentration and alertness
broken limbs – provides supportive therapy for physical compensation
improves temperment and behavior by gaining trust through act of being touched

For ALL LIFESTAGES yes puppies, adolescents and Seniors!

improves blood circulation and increases body temperature, improving muscle tone and flexibilty to provide them a comfortable, relaxed lifestyle